
New coffee have been released.

2024年3月7日 Menu

■JANSON Washed Los Alpes Lot108

Los Alpes has a vast temperature difference between day and night. The farm has many shade trees to protect coffee cherries from rapid temperature changes. It was anaerobically fermented for 72 hours after removing pulp and mucilage. It has an elegant aroma reminiscent of Lavender and a sweet acidity like Mandarin Orange with a slight impression of the spice.
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■Rocky Mountain Natural Lot32

The farm owner, Mr. Allan, is a professional refiner and manages the refining at several farms. The coffee he refines, including the Rocky Mountain, is highly rated at BOP. The coffee has a gorgeous aroma and citric acidity, the signature of Geisha, as well as a well-balanced sweetness and acidity reminiscent of various fruits brought out by the meticulous processing method.
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※We adjust our recipes every morning to ensure our customers enjoy the best quality coffee. Therefore, we may change the menu without notice. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

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