
New coffee have been released.

2024年9月5日 Information, Menu


This lot won 9th place in the BOP 2023. Careful refining fully brings out the characteristic taste of Geisha. The gorgeous aroma can be sensed before taking a sip. It has a pleasant, sweet mouthfeel and a sweet aftertaste reminiscent of Maple Syrup. This award-winning special cup has a gorgeous, clean taste that can be enjoyed throughout different temperature ranges.
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■KOTOWA Special Lot1356

This lot underwent two stages of fermentation, anaerobic and aerobic, combined with temperature and humidity controlled drying to bring out the potential of the coffee cherries. It is a pleasant cup with a lingering sweet acidity reminiscent of Cassis and Dark Cherries, and a balance of bitterness and sweetness like Orangette.
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■ESMERALDA Washed Cabaña Abajo 41S

This lot was harvested in the “Cañas Verdes,” where it has won many BOP top prizes. After depulping coffee cherries, it was fermented for 66 hours and dried on the raised beds and patio for over a month. As a result of careful drying, this clean cup has a Floral aroma and bright acidity characteristic of the Geisha variety.
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※We adjust our recipes every morning to ensure our customers enjoy the best quality coffee. Therefore, we may change the menu without notice. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

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