This lot won 12th place in the BOP Washed category. Selection by ripeness, traditional processing methods, and careful drying on an African bed then dryer maximize the clean and rich taste. It has an exceptional taste with a Citrus aroma like Bergamot, sweetness reminiscent of Fruit Compote, and a pleasant aftertaste.
・FURUMAI coffee
HOT: ¥2,500(total ¥2,750)
ICED: ¥2,650(total ¥2,915)
・Roasted Beans 80g: ¥8,000(total ¥8,640)
・Drip Bag: 1pc ¥1,480(total ¥1,598) 5pcs ¥7,400(total ¥7,992)
※We adjust our recipes every morning to ensure our customers enjoy the best quality coffee. Therefore, we may change the menu without notice. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
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